Channel: EthanAnimatez
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftminecraft musicalex and the dragoncaptainsparklezalex song in minecraftethananimatezminecraft music videominecraft song 10 hoursminecraft alex and stevealex and steve lifesteveherobrine songmusic videominecraft animationsteve and alex minecraft animation songminecraft parodysteve and alexsteve and alex songthefatratminecraft alex and steve lifealexminecraft videoentity 303angry alexminecraft songmonster schoolfly away
Description: It's been a while everyone! I decided to hit off 2022 with a new original Minecraft animation about Alexia (Alex) and Steven (Steve). If you'd like to see a series out of this, please consider leaving a like and subscribe! Huge thanks to @Falling North for making this collab possible!: Directed + Lead Animation: @EthanAnimatez Character Animators: @Frade. @Ninjallus @Jminer @Johnny Fazbear Animates SUPPORT ME HERE: Buy my merch!: Join the discord: ------------------------------------------------- #MinecraftAnimation #Minecraft #Song